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Countdown - January - Part One

Are you scared yet? PROLOGUE 8:55am -GMT January 1, 1999 Super Seekrit Russian Base @ Poulostrov Kanin , Northern Arctic Circle Colonel Yuri Petrovich is sad. He's stuck stuck guarding some hunk of metal. It's cold and he hardly sees the sun. Plus, there's the annoyingly perky 20 year-old Nikolai Militov , inviting him to the launch center for a drink. Yuri pretends to be horrified that Nik would suggest abandoning his post and then agrees to the drink. Nik and Yuri head to the launch center and Yuri comments that it's 11 am and aren't they supposed to raise their glasses at midnight? Nik replies that it's midnight SOMEWHERE. Yuri opens the super seekrit door with the super seekrit fifteen-digit code and doesn't bother closing it behind him would take too much effort? WORST SECURITY GUARD EVAR ! They get to the launch center and the party's already started. Someone calls Yuri "comrade" and he gets all sad faced and emo o...
I've started Fantasy In Death. Video games and murder, ooooooh! I would have gotten much farther if I hadn't had that stupid migraine. Oh well. Next book in the series is in November, I think.

Ode to Dorkiness

I ordered books 5 &6 of Boyfriends/Girlfriends/Making Out today. I am ridiculously excited about this. At the rate I keep going with my SwagBucks gift cards, I'll be ordering book 8 on the 30th. I've decided to pretend that 1-8 are the only canon that matters. HEE! I'm getting them in their original so-early-'90's-it-hurts covers! SQUEE! I like the originals so much better than the newer versions. So, they should be coming at the end of next week. I also picked up Wild Hearts Forever by Cherie Bennett. I vaguely remember this series, but I haven't seen it in forever. I did a little dance in Goodwill upon finding it. I have to hunt down March through December of the Countdown series and I'll be happy. It's strange. I have only one book to go before I finish up my Sweet Valley High collection, but I can't bring myself to buy it. The reason? I started these books when I was 10 or 11. I've wanted all of them for over 15 years and if I get this ...

Soooo, hi?

I actually forgot the password to this blog. This is ironic for many reasons. Now, I have it stored in my browser, so such mishaps won't happen again. Woohoo! Right now, I'm reading Promises In Death by JD Robb. I don't know, but the last one was kind of painful to read. Don't get me wrong, I adore the characters and all, but the books just kind of seem to run together since after Creation In Death . This one is where Amaryllis Coltraine is killed and I think it's kind of a cheap choice foor a character death. The only investment the reader has had with Coltraine is her relationship with Morris and her dying is kinda sad, but that's it. I think the impact would have been greater if it had been someone like Webster or Trueheart. Just my opinion.

Carolina Moon

Holy cow, this book is depressing. In the first chappter we have child abuse and the murder of an 8 year-old girl, and it's not even the same kid! I read this book when it first came out and for the life of me I can't remember who the killer is... I think I remember the matriarch being a major bitch, but that just may be because she named her twin daughters Hope and Faith. Seriously.


I've started Windfall , which is the fourth book in Rachel Caine's "Weather Warden" series. I really like this series. I originally thought that the main character, Joanne, would end up being some boring-ass Mary Sue. Yay for being wrong!

Lilli reading ~fine literature~