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Showing posts with the label freshman dorm

Photographic Lulz

Okay, I'm not sure if this cover is a fail or a win and here's why: The woman on the top left is Lauren. Her hair actually looks light brown. I don't know if it's the light or something, but it makes me happy. The guy getting cuffed is Dash Ramirez. I'm not going to really comment on the perceived white-breadedness ofCover Dude, because I've known some pretty fair-skinned Latinos. Hey, it happens! Bottom is Melissa and Danny. I like it a lot. Now, on the right side it appears Dash is being arrested. Well, or into kink. I make no judgments. On the left, are powdered donuts. You get where this is going, right? In other news, the back blurb fails because the character 'Rico Santoya' is called 'Pico Santoya'. Hmmm, don't they pay people to keep that from happening?

Freshman Roommate

Faith ends up with a male roomate named Becker Cain, who turns out to be a manipulative, controlling slimeball, who apparently thinks the way to a woman's heart is plagiarism-by-proxy. Winnie and Lauren are hounding poor Faith throughout the whole book which makes Becker seem even more appealing Lauren apparently feels nobody has ever been feminist before her. She insults Dash and basically acts like an entitled moron. She assumes that Faith won't mind her taking a nap in her dorm room (you know, the one Lauren doesn't live in anymore?) and assaults Becker by punching him in the face and kicking him in the balls Unsurprisingly, this does not endear Faith to Lauren. Liza meets Travis (Winnie's Europe trip ex) and discovers Rich evil revenge plot. She ends up completely broke, but Rich's dad is so impressed with her, she actually gets a walk-on part with 5 lines! And Travis kisses her! OOOH! Melissa is for some bizarre reason hanging out with her track nemesis, Caitli...

Freshman Truths

KC meets her mother and discovers her mother's past alcoholism. She deals with this by getting completely shit-faced on Russian vodka. Oh, and a DJ she barely knows trys to get her deepest, darkest secrets. Liza and Rich are happy. SQUEE! Oh, wait! Rich totally wants revenge on L for swiping his dummy and stuffing him under a bunch of coats and ruining his chances to be on TV. Rich, of course, discovers this after L's interview with Cody. Kimberly is accused stealing money from the dorms.Why? Basically, because she's black. Guess who the thief is? Melissa! Kimberly gets her rage on in an interview with Cody (for a guy that just showed up last book, he sure gets around fast!) Lauren gets sick of the poor pitiful me shtick she had going on with Melissa and decides to actually live her life. Courtney still chases Dash, even though he has no interest in her. Finally, she gets over it and take a job with finance whiz Eric Sutter.

Freshman Dorm Book Cover Fail

So, in the Freshman Dorm book series there is a character by the name of Lauren Turnbell-Smythe. She is described as having light brown hair and being chubby...and apparently the most heinous choice for the "Trash Your Room mate Dance" I have to ask, though. Why in the purple crap is the girl portraying Lauren blond and not in the least bit chubby?