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Showing posts with the label Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Deadly Little Scandals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Previously... This book has great fun with flashbacks and doesn't get to the present until about 75% in (much like the first one) the difference is this one takes us back 25 years ago. I'll admit that while the twist is fun, I saw it coming from the first book and I don't think this is a knock against Barnes but more due to the fact that I grew up watching really weird soap operas. More info about the Taft family is given and I really enjoyed that. I really want to talk more but I don't want to soil the book. While not as laugh out loud as the other one (c'mon, Campbell's kidnapping was comedy gold) I actually believe this is an improvement on the first.

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

This book has a heist in it. Intrigued? Yeah, me too. I love a good heist. Let's face it, all heists are good heists. The characters are great and that twist at the end? Whew! I really liked Sawyer and the way she dealt with things. If a long-lost relative asked for 9 months of your time in exchange for half a mile, would you take the deal