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Showing posts with the label Inkyard Press
I found out information about the author of a book I was reading and I wanted to put it here for full transparency. This is a screenshot of my Netgalley review and I do appreciate Inkyard Press for sending me a copy!
Hi! In case you didn't know me I'm Sarah, curator of The Kawaii Slartibartfast (podcast and youtube channel) I thought that i would have to give up book blogging but I have a Chromebook so that's gonna make things so much easier. Most of the books are ARCs from Netgalley so it may not seem like there's much content here. It's coming, I promise! Book I'm currently reading The Ninth Life by Taylor B. Barton

Don't Read the Comments by Eric Smith

I adored this book so much. It shows perfectly how the gaming community can be wonderful and horrifying at the same time. I've known people very much like the VP in this book and dealt with the harassment (Not on the level that Divya does but it was still pretty awful.) I really appreciated that Aaron's savior complex was called out as not a good thing. There was so much I identified with in this book and I got the feeling that Smith really understands why we game and the lovely communities we build despite the gatekeepers. This book is greatly appreciated.

The Speed of Falling Objects by Nancy Richardson Fischer

May we talk about how hard this book hit me and moved me to tears multiple times? Oh, goody! So, when I was five years old my biological father was supposed to pick me up for Christmas Eve. He did not. He instead called from a bar and said he was too drunk to drive. About thirty years later he finds me on Facebook and says he wants to have a relationship with me. Weeks go by and he randomly messages me at butt o'clock in the morning to tell me that he was a terrible father and that I probably hated him And here's the thing! I didn't hate him! I'd gotten what I wanted! My father had acknowledged me! But! It was such a hollow victory because all he wanted was to alleviate his guilt without actually, y'know, alleviating his guilt. So, along comes this book and its amazing protagonist Danny Warren. Danny is heartbreaking. She feels that her father's neglect is because of her. If only she were more charming and athletic her father might love her enough to s...