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Carolina Moon

Holy cow, this book is depressing. In the first chappter we have child abuse and the murder of an 8 year-old girl, and it's not even the same kid! I read this book when it first came out and for the life of me I can't remember who the killer is...

I think I remember the matriarch being a major bitch, but that just may be because she named her twin daughters Hope and Faith. Seriously.


  1. God that book was lame; I pegged the killer immediately. You know because it's the LAMEST PERSON.

  2. Funny yo mention that! After I wrote the post, I got to the part where he talks about being a fat kid and catching the coach having an affair and it was like, "oh, it's HIM."

    Then again, I read Nora Roberts for comfort not the scintillating plots=p

  3. I find no comfort in that woman anymore. Except maybe in the JD Robb stuff. Everything bugs the shit out of me for its gender conformity. MORE JENNY CRUSIE FOR ME THANKS.


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