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Photographic Lulz

Okay, I'm not sure if this cover is a fail or a win and here's why: The woman on the top left is Lauren. Her hair actually looks light brown. I don't know if it's the light or something, but it makes me happy. The guy getting cuffed is Dash Ramirez. I'm not going to really comment on the perceived white-breadedness ofCover Dude, because I've known some pretty fair-skinned Latinos. Hey, it happens! Bottom is Melissa and Danny. I like it a lot. Now, on the right side it appears Dash is being arrested. Well, or into kink. I make no judgments. On the left, are powdered donuts. You get where this is going, right? In other news, the back blurb fails because the character 'Rico Santoya' is called 'Pico Santoya'. Hmmm, don't they pay people to keep that from happening?