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Showing posts with the label book cover fail

Photographic Lulz

Okay, I'm not sure if this cover is a fail or a win and here's why: The woman on the top left is Lauren. Her hair actually looks light brown. I don't know if it's the light or something, but it makes me happy. The guy getting cuffed is Dash Ramirez. I'm not going to really comment on the perceived white-breadedness ofCover Dude, because I've known some pretty fair-skinned Latinos. Hey, it happens! Bottom is Melissa and Danny. I like it a lot. Now, on the right side it appears Dash is being arrested. Well, or into kink. I make no judgments. On the left, are powdered donuts. You get where this is going, right? In other news, the back blurb fails because the character 'Rico Santoya' is called 'Pico Santoya'. Hmmm, don't they pay people to keep that from happening?

New Anita Blake Book Covers

These are so atrocious. The best AB covers were the old Ace ones. You know the ones that actually have vampires and zombies? Yeah, those. Now, you're stuck with cobers with circulars saws and claw marks that look like nails. I thought they were nails to represent the pounding into the coffin of LKH's writing talent. Alas, no. I think it's safe to say that when House of Night has better covers than you after going through four diferent styles...there's just no more hope.

Freshman Dorm Book Cover Fail

So, in the Freshman Dorm book series there is a character by the name of Lauren Turnbell-Smythe. She is described as having light brown hair and being chubby...and apparently the most heinous choice for the "Trash Your Room mate Dance" I have to ask, though. Why in the purple crap is the girl portraying Lauren blond and not in the least bit chubby?