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Freshman Roommate

Faith ends up with a male roomate named Becker Cain, who turns out to be a manipulative, controlling slimeball, who apparently thinks the way to a woman's heart is plagiarism-by-proxy. Winnie and Lauren are hounding poor Faith throughout the whole book which makes Becker seem even more appealing

Lauren apparently feels nobody has ever been feminist before her. She insults Dash and basically acts like an entitled moron. She assumes that Faith won't mind her taking a nap in her dorm room (you know, the one Lauren doesn't live in anymore?) and assaults Becker by punching him in the face and kicking him in the balls Unsurprisingly, this does not endear Faith to Lauren.

Liza meets Travis (Winnie's Europe trip ex) and discovers Rich evil revenge plot. She ends up completely broke, but Rich's dad is so impressed with her, she actually gets a walk-on part with 5 lines! And Travis kisses her! OOOH!

Melissa is for some bizarre reason hanging out with her track nemesis, Caitlin. This is the same girl who tried to screw up M's relationship with Brooks to distract her from her racing. (Now that I think about it, Melissa should be kissing C's feet.) Anyway, they're doing steroids now.


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