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The Skeleton Stuffs a Stocking by Leigh Perry

Wow, I really loved this book. The publisher granted my wish on Netgalley so I felt extra special getting to read it!

So, this series features an ambulatory Skelly friend that helps an English professor SOLVE CRIMES.

Is that not one of the greatest premises ever? It's the 6th book in the series and I am shocked that I hadn't heard of the series before.

So, this was an absolute blast to read as the main character, Georgia, has a great relationship with her family and is more than a little concerned when Byron (a dog, not the mopey poet) brings home a femur that it turns out does not belong to the family skellyfriend, Sid. (who totally sounds like Papyrus in my head.)

Whose skeleton does it belong to is the question Georgia must answer.


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