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Book Reader Problems Book Tag

1. You have 20,000 books in your TBR, how in the world do you decide what to read next?
Alphabetical order or release date if it's a stand alone.

2. You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you put it down or are you committed?
I dnf at 10%

3. The end of the year is coming and you’re behind on your reading challenge, do you try to catch up? And if so, how?
Try to catch up

4. The covers of a series you love do not match, how do you cope?
Scream into the void. Seriously, I'm so mad about the Mortal Instruments covers.

5. Everyone and their mother loves a book that you do not. Who do you bond with over your shared feelings?
It's okay. You can say Ready Player One. I sulk. A LOT. 

6. You’re reading a book in public and you’re about to start crying. How do you deal? 
I don't and I just sit there sobbing like a dingus.

7. The sequel to a book you loved just came out but you’ve forgotten a lot of what happens. Are you going to reread it?

8. You do not want anyone to borrow your books, how do you politely say no when someone asks?
Most of my book are electronic, lol

9. You have picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over this reading slump? Binge a show on Netflix

10. There are so many books coming out that you are dying to read, how many do you end up buying?
Not as many as I like. In the last four weeks I've gotten four?

No tagging anybody else for me!


11. After you purchase all of these books that you’re dying to read how long do they sit on your shelves before you get to them? get to them?


  1. Wuts wrong with the tmi covers?

  2. Barechested dude compared to what they are. The new ones are STUNNING.


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